Individual Membership dues are $25 U.S. per year.
Benefits of membership includes the following:
- Pay only $25 U.S. for Record Fish Application processing
- May be invited to special IUSA events
Pay by PayPal:
Corporate Membership dues are $500 U.S. per year.
Terms and Conditiona:
- Can commence anytime and lasts through end of the calendar year
- IUSA will list your logo/link on the IUSA Corporate Membership page
- Must in good standing and not engage in any unethical, unsafe, or illegal activity in the spearfishing community.
- IUSA reserves the right to deny or discontinue Membership
- Membership does not imply that IUSA is "promoting or endorsing" your business
- You may not use IUSA's name or logo without previous written permission from IUSA