International Underwater Spearfishing Association
World Record  
4.9 kg. ,   10.8 lbs.
Rockfish, Vermillion    Sebastes miniatus
Record Category: Men Speargun

Diver: Ariel Merhav
Date: 12/8/2015

I had spent the entire day before hunting for Vermilion Rockfish in about 55-60 feet of water. My two buddies each picked one and two Vermilion respectively while I shot a nice 21 lb lingcod. The next day I met up with Dan Silveira who is the current world record holder for Vermilion Rockfish. We paddled out to a spot that I knew and scouted very well and that I thought had the potential for massive Vermilion. The first place we stopped at Dan shot a nice 22 lb ling and I shot a 15 lb ling. We dove here for a while longer before switching spots and paddling north. This new spot the visibility was about 12-15 feet and was about 35-40 feet deep. There were fish everywhere. blue rockfish, lingcod, cabezon, black rockfish, china rockfish and tons of kelp greenling. I dove here for a little checking out the area and trying to find the fish I wanted. Eventually I found a decent 15 lb lingcod and decided to take him. As I am ascending, I look over my shoulder to see the largest Vermilion I had ever seen calmly observing me fro the midst of a school of blue and black rockfish. I ascend to surface and breathe up only to not find him on the next dive. I breathe up again and this time I find the highest vantage point in the area. I watch and wait and out of the gloom the fish materializes. He calmly cruises directly across my field of vision and I quickly follow. He spooks a little but I am able to follow him into a cave where I take a shot at his head. It is a perfect shot right behind his head and out his gill plate. I surface and begin to scream my head off and I see Dan jumping in the water with his camera. He is very impressed with the size of my fish and the first thing he says is, "I think your holding the record there man." I get the fish in the kayak and finish off the day with a nice 18 lb ling before heading in.
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