International Underwater Spearfishing Association
World Record  
5.6 kg. ,   12.3 lbs.
Little Tunny    Euthynnus alletteratus
Record Category: Men Speargun

Diver: Alexis Loyola Gonzalez
Date: 1/7/2015

We went fishing like always. As we arrived to one of our favorite spot for fishing, we found low visibility water. We moved to other spots and the visibility was the same. Moved to other places and the water was just as dirty. Continue to look for clear water and came to a unexplored place, unknown location. We decided to let us go with the current, because we didnt know how was the place. Visibility was very good. While waiting, we went with the stream, did not see anything in the background. When suddenly I see a group of Little Tunny who came from the left. I dove without paying attention without looking at them, because they get scared fast. I aimed, trying to select the biggest and shoot him thinking that I could lose the fish but the shot was accurate. Gave a great fight and I feared that flopper of the shaft didnt came out on the other side of the fish body. With delicacy and leaving him in the fight, I brought it up on my hands and secured my prey.
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