International Underwater Spearfishing Association
World Record
10.7 kg.
23.5 lbs.
Snapper, Colorado
Lutjanus colorado
Record Category:
Women Speargun
Jackie Treyz
We left in the morning around 8am out of Jaco beach on the panga. We had some breakfast on the boat and went about 30-45mins out and along the coast to a couple of spots that Sean had. We had made a few drops, seeing a few different species, Cubera, Triggerfish, Rainbow Runners, Mullet Snapper, Horse Eye Jacks, and Colorado Snapper (aka Guacamayo as the locals call them). Each drop was full of life. Carl and Sean were the best dive buddies, always in the water close by as we'd watch each other drop or signal if there was a school nearby. After a handful of drops, we changed spots and found a few schools of fish. One huge group towards the surface had horse eye jacks, under that was an enormous school of Cubera and Colorado snapper, then under that were the mullet snapper. Sean, being the local, had advised to be patient with the snapper and calm as you swim towards them so they become interested in you. I remember, I had a great breathe up, calmly swam down to meet the huge snapper school at 42ft, held up my gun to aim, and waited. After a few seconds, I saw a big snapper come up from the school and act interested. I lined up the shot slowly, then pulled the trigger. I was initially worried because I knew the shot was a little high and the fish immediately darted for the sand. On my way up, I grabbed the float line and started pulling her up gently as not to agitate her too much to where she'd pull off. Once she was close enough to the surface, I could see that the shot was in enough meat as not to worry about her pulling out. At that point I pulled her to the surface, stabbed her in the brain to subdue the fish, and then took her to the boat. When we all got into the boat, she was much bigger than what I had imagined. Sean exclaimed "That looks like a record fish! I've never seen one so big!" He was right. As soon as we got into cell range, I looked up the current record. We weighed and measured the fish as soon as we got in and were so happy that I was able to spear the biggest 'Guacamayo' that anyone locally had seen AND to top it off, it was mine and Carls honeymoon so it made our week even sweeter to start off that way.
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