International Underwater Spearfishing Association
World Record  
6.8 kg. ,   15.0 lbs.
Knifejaw, Spotted    Oplegnathus punctatus
Record Category: Men Sling / Polespear

Diver: Christopher Funada
Date: 9/9/2024

On a beautiful day on the north side of the Big Island, I took some friends diving, and we came across an area where I had seen a large knifejaw before and wanted to check it out. I spotted a large knifejaw swimming between the boulders and asked my friends if they wanted to shoot one. They both declined, so I decided to start the hunt with my Evolve CT8. I dipped down to the bottom and waited near the opening of a large boulder. When the knifejaw swam out, I let go, hoping for a clean kill. **Whaaap** - the three-prong sank into the fish, and after a few strong kicks, the fish went limp.
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