International Underwater Spearfishing Association
World Record  
30.2 kg. ,   66.6 lbs.
Snapper, African Brown    Lutjanus Dentatus
Record Category: Men Speargun

Diver: John Campbell
Date: 1/18/2024

We launched our 13' Boston Whaler out of Chung Gang Warf in Kent at 5:30 am headed for the Turtle Islands. The run out was bit rough and it took us about 3 hours to arrive. We were a little disappointed to see a Guinean fishing boat anchored on one of our favorite spots. We talked to the fishermen on the boat and they had been there for a few day and they didn't mind if we did some diving. The current is normally strong at this spot, but today it was mild and we were able to anchor. Visibility was about 3 meters but as soon as we started diving we were catching glimpses of huge African Brown Snapper. They were very jumpy and we dove for more than an hour without being able to get a shot. We decided to move our anchor location about 50 meters to see if we could find fish that weren't so jumpy. I breathe up and drop to about 15 meters hovering off the bottom and I spot a huge ABS broadside to me. I drift slowly toward him and line up my Bazil Daniel Polispast Invert Roller and aim for the center mass. Just as I pull the trigger the fish twitches and turns away from me. I prepare myself to fight this massive creature, but luck was on my side. As the fish turned, the shaft entered high near the dorsal fin, but ran along the fish right to the back of the head and the fish never twitched once shot!
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