International Underwater Spearfishing Association
World Record  
12.2 kg. ,   26.8 lbs.
Wahoo    Acanthocybium solandri
Record Category: Women Sling / Polespear

Diver: Stephanie Schuldt
Date: 8/9/2022
Location: FIJI

I have been hunting for a wahoo on pole spear for a couple years, and finally had my opportunity in Fiji while visiting a remote island with my boyfriend, Cole. A local captain, Manatu, and a local friend, Mani, took us out on their long boat to go spearfishing. We were drifting off the edge of a reef when a whole school of wahoo swam in on the flasher. Cole was working the flasher and I threw a throw flasher. Two of the wahoo peeled off and headed straight at the throw flasher. I dove down, loaded up the pole spear and got a top down tail shot on the closest fish. The wahoo took off and ran hard, tombstoning my float. After a couple hard runs, the wahoo was tired and I was able to work it up with my floatline making sure not to rip out the shot. I got the wahoo to the surface, grabbed It by the gills and brained it right away. Then I swam it over and put it in the longboat where we all celebrate a fish I have been dreaming about for years. Dedicated to Eric Haury, my first spearing buddy and first person to teach me how to use a pole spear. RIP
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