International Underwater Spearfishing Association
World Record  
43.5 kg. ,   96.0 lbs.
Halibut, Pacific    Hippoglossus stenolepis
Record Category: Women Speargun

Diver: Sadie Peachey
Date: 8/15/2020

At the crack of dawn, my husband and I launched out of the Seward, Alaska harbor for a six hour boat ride out to Middleton Island. Excitement was high for what the next three days might hold. Frozen, but stoked, we finally arrived at noon and dropped the anchor on the North side of the island and set up our liveaboard on our 21' Zodiac. We spent the next two days dropping and exploring the entire area, seeing halibut so many good halibut, but holding fire for a trophy. The second night the weather blew up and we had a sleepless night of hoping the anchor would hold and the fiercely flapping tarp would hold until morning. Around 7:00am the wind ceased and the sun came out! Despite our sleep deprived state, we suited up and slipped into the 53 degree water for one more hunt before we head in. After a couple hours I got chilled and started shivering so I did just a couple more drops and that's when I found this healthy 96 pounder. She was lying on the bottom, camouflaging so well with the rocks, I almost missed seeing her. I aimed, pulled the trigger, and managed to the spear at an angle through the gills and head. She took off and made a good run. Luckily I was close to the boat when I resurfaced so I swam over, grabbed my Gannet float off the back of the boat (where I had put it l, just in case), clipped my gun to it and started the process of pulling her in. Once I got her up and and cut the gills she only ran one more time before she wore out and gave up. This is certainly my most memorable and favorite hunt to date. I am so grateful for this beauty.
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