International Underwater Spearfishing Association
World Record  
19.6 kg. ,   43.1 lbs.
Bass, Striped (Freshwater, Landlocked)    Morone saxatilis
Record Category: Women Speargun

Diver: Breanna Blankenship
Date: 6/30/2019

I awoke in the morning anxious to go diving. The night before I had a dream I speared a huge striper. Greg had took the week off and had already spent most of it diving with out me. Although sore and tired from diving, after he heard my dream he agreed to take me out. Once geared up and in the water I began swimming along a clay bank. When I approached a steep drop off and a large back eddy I took a deep breath and dropped into the deep. I attempted to lay still on the bottom and wait for anything that may approach from the murky water but I couldn't hold my breath. Feeling a little discouraged I swam back to the boat. Once on the boat we jetted to the next location. I slipped in, did multiple dives and had the same crummy breath holds. I was feeling very defeated and exhausted. However, seeing a few decent fish and with Greg encouraging me I decided to try one last spot. I geared up for my last dive of the day. I put the tip on and loaded the beautiful custom spear gun Greg had build me for Christmas. On this descent I saw a nice common carp that I contemplated shooting but with my dream fresh in my mind I decide to pass. Making my way to the edge of an outcropping I took a big breath hold and plummeted downwards. I saw more fish but nothing that I was interested in. I began to swim up out of the gravely hole towards the bank. When I got to the top of the gravel bar there was another small channel of pebble. Swimming along the upper edge of it I spotted something on the edge of visibility. As I approached I could see it was a large striper resting right in the middle of the channel! At the end of my breath hold I made the decision to take aim. I pulled the trigger and my shaft few out of my gun. As I felt the tension and a large jerk on my gun I knew I had the fish on! Luckily the fish was laying in somewhat shallow water and I was able to get a breath before the fight began. The fish was dragging me to deeper water and then back towards the bank. At one point I made it to the surface and was able to yell for Greg. I could still feel the force of the fish ahead of me and I was making quite an impressive wake! I don't have a reel on my gun so landing the fish was a challenge. Kicking as hard as I could I still couldn't catch up with the fish. Worried the fish would head for the snags I swam to shallower water and began pulling the line in finally getting a good grip through the mouth and gills of the fish. We were both exhausted from the fight and I laid next to the fish in the water waiting for Greg to pull up. When he finally arrived at my location his jaw dropped and he smiled saying to me "I believe you just got a 40lb fish!" I laughed at him in disbelief. Shaking with excitement, we loaded the fish on the boat and got an official weight. 43.2lbs! What a dream come true, a moment I will never forget. I feel so fortunate to have taken such a wonderful striper.
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