International Underwater Spearfishing Association
World Record  
106.6 kg. ,   235.0 lbs.
Gar, Alligator    Atractosteus spatula
Record Category: Men Speargun

Diver: Darren Carr
Date: 8/3/2018

Two days prior to spearing the gar, my wife, friend, and I went looking for big gar in the area. Upon spotting several large fish rolling in a cove, I hopped in the water for about an hour with my spear gun hoping to find one to no avail. The water clarity was terrible with five to six feet visibility. So two days later with gar heavily on my brain, I decided to go back to the same cove and swim it from the outside in. I was halfway through the cove and becoming frustrated once again with water clarity and about to give up when I spotted the fish less than three feet from my mask. She immediately sunk through the weeds to the bottom about six feet down. This allowed me an easy shot right to the top middle of her back. After the shot, she exploded stirring up the entire area limiting my visibility to about five inches and then we were off. She drug me almost half a mile out of the cove into open water for what seemed like an eternity. Luckily, she stayed high in the water column. Once I started gaining ground on her, she began circling me and acting sporadic. I looked for the nearest gravel bar about 300 yards away and started swimming her slowly towards it. Losing her strength, I was able to pull her up on shore with little to no fight. Apparently, the shot had done more damage than I originally expected. Exhausted, I stood on the shore looking at her in disbelieve. This is far and beyond the largest gar I had ever seen and could not believe the sheer size of her. Amazing ancient creatures!
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