International Underwater Spearfishing Association
World Record  
29.2 kg. ,   64.4 lbs.
Trevally, Giant    Caranx ignobilis
Record Category: Men Sling / Polespear

Date: 3/17/2018

During a short boat ride to another dive spot. My dive partner asked if I could show him one of my Ulua houses. When we got to the spot I decided to use my 9 foot Evolve Diving 3 prong pole spear. As we neared the Ulua house we saw 4 to 5 Ulua's. My partner Eric took a shot with his Kap Euro speargun and landed his first Ulua. As we untangled his shooting line from his Aussie Reels I noticed another Ulua in the same house. I took a drop lined up and took aim right above his brain luckily I stoned the ulna resulting in a instant death.
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